According to the Gregorian calendar ( otherwise known as the outlook calendar), today is day# 60. 而不管按什么历法算,今天都已经是第60天了。
In order to memorialize this day, our ancestors decided that the first lunar calendar day of the Chinese Year is the Spring Festival. 为了纪念这一天,我们的老祖宗把新年农历的第一天定为春节。
Just mark on your calendar a specific day and time, and do it every week. 这只需你在日历上标出特定的一天,每周执行一次。
When all the header information for calendar entries cannot be displayed completely for a day in a calendar view, the day displays a horizontal scroll bar. 在日程表视图中,当一天中的所有日程表条目的标题信息无法完全显示时,则为这一天显示一个横向滚动条。
When you tell yourself, Ill do this tomorrow, actually block off some time in your calendar the next day to work on it. 当你跟自己说这个我明天再做的时候,你可以在你的日程表上标注好。
We mark the calendar every day. 我们每天在日历上做标记。
By tearing off a calendar page each day, the user is actually mowing the lawn. 每天撕掉一张日历纸,其实就是在割草。
Make a calendar for one whole day of your future life. 制作一个你将来一整天生活的日历。
In the fourth century Christmas was added to the Church calendar as a feast day. 到了公元四世纪,圣诞节作为一个宗教节日被加到了教堂日历中。
The fifteenth of each month in the lunar calendar is the day of the full moon. 农历每月的十五日是我们看到月球最圆的那天。
Select the person who will be responsible for changing the backup tapes and cleaning the drive. This person will receive a calendar request for the day ( s) that backup is scheduled to run. 选择更换备份磁带并清洗驱动器的负责人。此负责人将按计划运行备份的天数接收日历请求。
The north on the lunar calendar, this day whether business offering huzhu shop, or the ordinary families, have held offering mammon activities. 北方在正月初二祭财神,这天无论是商贸店铺,还是普通家庭,都要举行祭财神活动。
This custom is no longer observed in England, though in Scotland the day is still significant in the calendar as a quarter day. 这个风俗现在英国已没有了,但在苏格兰日历中,这一天仍然有意义,是结帐日。
This Julian calendar added an extra day every four years to account for the quarter day. 这个儒略历每四年多加一天以计入那四分之一天。
This person will receive a calendar request for the day ( s) that backup is scheduled to run. 此负责人将按计划运行备份的天数接收日历请求。
Under calendar work week, in the end time box, click a time when you want to end your calendar day. 在“工作日”下的“结束时间”框中,单击您希望工作日结束的时间。
In this project calendar, every day of the week is a working day. 在此项目日历中,一周的每一天都是工作日。
Your Payment Method will automatically be billed each period on the calendar day corresponding to the day after your free trial has ended. 在你免费试用结束日相应的日历日,对你的支付方式进行每个周期的自动收取费用。
For help on using your calendar in day view, click a topic. 有关在“日”视图中使用日历方面的帮助,请单击相应的主题。
No amounts shall be payable for fractions of a calendar day. 不足一个日历日的,承包商不必支付相关违约金。
The third day of the first lunar month of Chinese calendar is the day that people in Sanjiang Town, Fenghuang, West of Xiang in Hunan get together and make a big market for shopping. 正月初三,是湘西凤凰三江镇赶集的日子,居住在周围几十公里内的苗族妇女穿着节日的盛装前来赶集。
Keeping in mind your power times, go through your calendar and schedule a specific day and period of time when you will work on an item. 记住(待定)记住你的精力旺盛期,搜索一下你的日历,为你将做的某个任务安排特定一天或一个时间段。
Tanabata myth map of the lunar calendar, July seventh day is the day, traditional festivals in China Han Tanabata Festival. 七夕神话图每年农历七月初七这一天是我国汉族的传统节日七夕节。
From China we can reach America on the other side of the ocean on the same calendar day. 从中国去地球另一端的美国,也能在日历上的同一天到达。
The multi-day event shape will not span multiple days when you create a calendar using day shapes. 在使用“日”形状创建日历时,“多日事件”形状不会跨越多日。
If you are using a fiscal year variant you'd have to define a calendar with only the first day of each period defined as workingday and use it in the periodicity restrictions. 如果你使用一个财年变式,你就得定义一个日历,把(日历中)每个期间的第一天规定为工作日,并把它用在周期性限制中。
Phenological data, as mentioned in the previous section, is often taken on a calendar day basis. 物候学的数据,正如前面一节里指出的那样,通常是采用日历的天数作依据。
The lunar calendar last day of one year evening, i.e.the evening before Spring Festival. 农历一年最后一天的晚上,即春节前一天晚。